video : Trombones in Tinnies by Erik Griswold
Amazing women / concert
Cafe, Holidaze / plays
Antigone / play
Stand Up Benny Straight / play
The Wide Alley / Qld Music Festival
Set Design & realization : Brisbane – Powerhouse Visy Theatre, The Studio – Sydney Opera House, Chengdu – China
Wide Alley disc by Clocked Out
Chambers / live installation
Set / Costume Design & realization : Independent production – Brisbane Judith Wright Centre
movement . Jan Baker Finch / words . Samuel Beckett / sound . rubbish bin bag costume / set . Easter Bunny chocolate forms, Christmas lights, nuts&bolts
Reflective Resonances/ music festival
Pinocchio the story of a puppet / ballet
Set / Costume Design & Scenery realization : Ballet Theatre of Queensland, Brisbane QPAC Playhouse
Up the road by John Harding / play
Design & realization : Aboriginal Center for the Performing Arts – Brisbane Powerhouse
set: telstra cable, textile, ropes, projection